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Dedicated to my daughter Andrea and in memoriam Chrissie Alestrik


A collection of songs written between June 2013 and October 2014, except for Afterglow (2011) and Bristol (2008): some were written for the monthly Jazzhaus Heidelberg cult event “Limbus [Club]” and some were written in conjunction with a Masters of Music studies undertaken at Bath Spa University. 


All have been performed and enhanced by the superb musicians of the band memes.and.dreams, to whom I am extremely grateful and indebted for their continuous support and encouragement. 


Many have helped and inspired along the way, particularly:


Dagmar Wolf-Heger and Paula Antony along with Tim Boyd, Kerstin Abeck, Bernhard Bentgens, Peter Saueressig, Jochen Seiterle, Tom Beisel, Christof Keller, Heiner Grombein, Reinhold Grombein, Leif Schmitt, Susanne Lencinas, Wolfgang Graf, Davey Ray Moor, Emma Gale, Erhard Fabian, Ndiankou Niasse, Florian Fenner, Frank Pyne, Christina Lux, Chris Cosmo, Jasper van’t Hof, Annette von Oesterreich, Julia Boegershausen, Julia Vardigens, Beate Baumann and a multitude of musicians with whom I have played and learnt so much from over the years. 


I also acknowledge a huge debt to all the countless musicians and songwriters, past and present, who have continually added so much to the musical gene pool for us all to immerse ourselves in. Combining my own experiences, thoughts, feelings and dreams with a pick of the best memes, has allowed me to create the music, lyrics and arrangements for this album.


Peter Antony, Heidelberg, March 2016.



Peter Antony with m.a.d records, Ton-in-Ton Studios and Intonation International © 2016

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